After my brand new and only reader, Jared suggested I indulge in exactly what I wanted to in this blog, I decided to heed his sage advice and plunge into incessant rants immediately.
First I shall rave about one awesome website I found during my aimless online wanderings. You have to hit jackpot when the history of your recent pages for one day is longer than China's great little wall. Now keeping in mind that the definition of awesome varies relatively, here is the website I speak of I have surfed it for 3 hours and have never been more encouraged in my quest to learn different languages with an interactive community. It has tests, records of your study of every language in every form, chatting with other students with compatible interests and basically everything it needs to have. I have never come across a site such as this on the subject so easily with such a simple interface. I signed up for French, Arabic and German and offered help in english. Already did one test and have received some feedback. Will let you know how that continues.
Okay, my love for watching random series for free online had me exploring what free tv had in store. And came across this.
Scandallous, independent, bold, daring and foreign. I only saw the first seven episodes but you immediately fall in love with the character and empathize and understand. It's based on some chics true stories that she has down here Hats off to ya, chica!
Losing Kuwaiti Nationality
This has been the big talk in Kuwait that no one in Kuwait is talking
about in public for fear of repercussions from the powers that be. Kuwait
has revoke...
1 week ago
1 comment:
Hey,im sure im not your only reader,but thanks for the mention anyway ;) is a very intresting site. Ive never heard of it before. Might be worth signing up,so I can finish my "Broken" span-glish.
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